Writing moderation that improves instructional practice & student learning


A practical workshop for principals and middle leaders who want to enhance their moderation practice to:

We will demonstrate how a practical & clearly structured moderation process provides valuable professional development for teaching teams and directly impacts student learning. 

Collaborative assessment = improved instructional practice =  better learning outcomes for students 

Select from 2 session options & use the code in your invitation email

Workshop Outline

  • Unpacking the 4 steps of moderation  
  • Identifying the steps that have the most impact on improving instructional practice across a school and deliver better learning outcomes for students.

We will discuss the types of moderation and describe how they impact teaching & learning.  A step-by-step moderation process will be presented and the most important parts will be unpacked in a practical way to clearly explain how they can impact professional practice across a school.


  • A short hands-on demonstration where you will see high-impact moderation processes in action and how they can improve teaching and learning.

*If you choose to participate, rather than watch, we will give you access to our online continuum for writing (VIC Curriculum aligned) and together, we will assess a writing sample, identify student needs and develop a targeted teaching & learning cycle based on evidence.  

We will guide and support you through each step and you will experience firsthand how effective moderation builds teacher professional practice, capability, and maximises student learning.

Scriibi helps schools:

  • Develop a whole school common language and shared understanding of the qualities of good writing
  • Assess with consistency and accuracy, across a whole school, using a VIC curriculum aligned rubric
  • Use data to inform teaching and provide timely and specific feedback to students
  • Set individual and achievable writing goals that supports independence and self-reflection
  • Build teacher capability through our Professional Development Series and on-demand pedagogical support
Fri 26th April
Morning Session
Event ended
Thu 2nd May
Afternoon Session
Event ended