Supporting prep students through the stages of writing development

The aim of the session is to grow teachers’ expertise in the area of emergent literacy, with a focus on writing.

Emergent literacy encompasses the early speech and language skills a child acquires and develops before they can read and write conventionally. Emergent literacy instruction is most beneficial in the pre-school years and first year of schooling.


The following six key areas will be explored, and will provide teachers with an understanding of the critical steps and the skills children need to acquire, as they progress from emergent to conventional writing.

  1. Concepts of print
  2. Fine motor skills
  3. Phonological awareness
  4. Phonics
  5. Making meaning and expressing ideas
  6. Exploring and creating texts

You will receive:

  • Evidence-based teaching and learning strategies
  • A clear scope and sequence to support students at every stage. 

Resources can be accessed from the Scriibi dashboard.

* Please note, the content provided is not a replacement for your current curriculum program, but a set of guidelines and resources to assist teachers with their planning.
